Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Are you sleep deprived?

Did you know the average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night?
Did you know that BYU students are getting on average only 6 hours of sleep per night?
Did you know that 71 percent of those who had fallen asleep behind the wheel had less than 8 hours of sleep the night before?
Did you know that drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as driving drunk?

Many auto accidents are due to fatigued drivers. BYU students need to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to not only do well in their academics, but be safe on the roads. Just in Utah of 2009, there were 19 fatalities due to drowsy driving. We strongly encourage students to pull over and take a quick nap, turn on the radio, eat a snack or switch drivers when they are feeling tired at the wheel. Driving while well rested will prevent many of these unwanted accidents.